25 years in 1 year- Part I

After a mindblowing year full of colours and new perspectives I came back to my blog post, like coming back from a supermassive black hole never explored before. It is difficult to say how much effort and passion I have placed in my MSc in International Development at the University of Edinburgh. The whole experience felt like 25 years in 1 year. Living abroad is an experience everyone should be able to live in terms of eradicating stereotypes and discrimination. I am so grateful to have had the support of my faculty teachers, friends, family, roommates and the people in Edinburgh everywhere during this amazing year. 

I would love to start writing here more about many of the most important things to share before and after living abroad, about the questions and past answers to development, among many other things, but first I'll share with you the following blog post that I was allowed to publish with the tremendously fabulous University of Edinburgh's Futureproof Collective:

I'll write to you soon!


A friend of mine took me this photo in the Scottish Highlands


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