Technology and Social Affairs- a European news digest (APR-MAY)

Technology and Social Affairs (a European perspective) 27th April -  8th May
By Alain Zaragoza

Innovation and Technology
Uncertainty may well have appeared throughout the world in a strong degree (not for everyone as some might control what you are doing in your home office). Certain technological advances are releasing a deep breath after what has been a big shock into markets, societies, and so on, altering the daily sense of living. In Europe, the International Data Corporation (IDC) urges Technology vendors into taking steps towards focusing on the Return on investment (ROI), creating new ecosystem value chains and start thinking ahead on a societal value or mainstream hashtag such as #Coronakindness. On the contrary, some authors as Ian Bremmer think Tech companies seem to be rather creating disruptive changes and ultimately affecting jobs beyond coronavirus (watch this Thomas Piketty roundtable at The New Republic and if you have a bit of time read this).

 On innovation this week, one big-name running through the news is “Remdesivir” which brings light into the fight against the Sars-COV-2, and even when it does not cure coronavirus, it may potentially lever the effects of those acutely ill. Others with rather more scepticism to the coronavirus process like Bill Gates, recently expressed that any new vaccine would require at least 18 months, broken into analytical, testing, among other phases. Yet, we must also acknowledge that “techno virus”, or the mental illness that misinformation management can cause, can possibly be altering our minds in ways we have not known before.

Social Affairs
Let us start by accepting what is really happening out there. Social inequalities are widening due to coronavirus pandemic and the hardest hit are women or 70% of global health workers, which also provide 75% of unpaid care to others. One might think this is outrageous but we can also show our support and say “thank you” to them all (if we have not yet). Better-shared decisions may find better news and solutions, such as the unseen heroes dressed not in capes but rather with that awesome feeling to serve the public. If you are the kind of person looking for the best ahead (while carrying uncertainty but precisely using mindfulness) the European Union Institute for Security Studies presented the “white reindeers” or positive developments we can make true for the year 2024.

Apart from what we had explored here, between the willingness to help and the cruelty deepening social inequalities, what will the next steps be after physical distancing and social solidarity? Well, New Zeeland (Scotland in a certain degree too) has a very interesting proposal to allow citizens to gather with other 10 selected people every weekend, controlling the flexibility after social isolation, in order to ease lockdowns. Other social benefitting proposals include European countries such as Denmark and Germany. These countries are heading far on top of the European list as caring nations for homelessness with re-purposed hostels during this pandemic. Hard to mention but on the other hand, MSF criticizes toughness among several immigration policies in Malta and Italy.

If you are (painfully) living from the couch to the kitchen during this pandemic (first that means you have the privilege of being in quarantine- myself included), good news exists beyond the ozone layer. Yes, it is true the next that you will read. We might be a bit more grateful for what the 1.2 miles width Asteroid “1998 OR2” allow us to have now, or in other words, that precise moment of peace inside our homes and the entire planet Earth (it is better to say planet Water). This dangerous flying object crossed 16 million kilometres near from planet Earth on April 29th  and maybe next time we would not be that lucky enough.
@alainzaragoza on Twitter


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